Yesterday I woke up at 8:30. I went downstairs and had a quick breakfast (bread and cheese) with my host mom. Then after getting ready, we headed into the city of Chur. When we got there, my host mom had to attend a quick business meeting for about 20 minutes. I took this opportunity to have a quick walk around the area and explore a little bit. After the meeting, my host dad met us for lunch at a place near their business in Chur. I don't quite remember the name of the thing I had for lunch (it was a long german name) but it was basically a nice meat with gravy and a homemade pasta. After lunch, my host parents showed me around where they work, then my host mom and I went to get her car washed. We then took a drive around the city and I was shown where I would be going to school in a few weeks, as well as some other places like the Bahnhof (train station), the bank, old Chur, etc. After driving around, we attempted to get a new SIM card for my phone. However, I was not allowed to get it without proof that I would be staying here for a year, and seeing as my current visa only allows me to stay here for three months, I have to wait until next week when my full visa comes in to get a new card. After that we drove back to Landquart so I could open a bank account. This time we were successful! I'm now just waiting for my card to come in the mail. After that we went back to the house for about an hour before driving to the Canton of Schwyz.
Driving to Schwyz |
Here we picked up my host mom's mother (host grandmother?) then drove down to the lake in the village of Küssnacht to go swimming. The water was a little bit cold but refreshing and so clean! I could not get over how blue the lake was.
Stättersee |
Küssnacht |
After swimming we had dinner by the lake then drove back to Malans. I slept most of the way back and went to bed as soon as we got home. All in all, a great day! I'll be posting again real soon. Maybe I'll do a post about life with my host family and some pictures of where I live. Until then, thanks for reading!
Sounds like you are settling in well Mitch. The pictures are spectacular! You must be tired. It's normal. Sleep, sleep, sleep. Tomorrow will be another new experience.