Mitch Mahoney

Mitch Mahoney
Geneva, Switzerland

Monday, 7 September 2015

First day of school

It has now almost been a month since I arrived here in Switzerland. It's so weird to think that I have already been here for that long,  it feels like just days ago that I arrived , but at the same time, when I look back at all I've done so far it feels like its been a lot longer than just a month. That being said, I am now completely finished language school! It feels so good to finally be done, however I will miss it a bit. I kind of enjoyed the sleepy train rides into Zurich every day and seeing all my friends from all over the world. Also our adventures through the city after class, especially swimming. I definitely feel like my German has improved a bit as a result of the course, I can now carry basic conversations with people and ask questions and things like that. I am trying to reduce the amount of English I use in a day, but that's not so easy when most of your friends are fluent in English and speak only broken German.

After class on Friday a bunch of us went swimming at our usual spot one last time before going out for dinner. We ate in the old part of Zurich then said our goodbyes to everyone for the next few weeks. Claire, Josh and I then headed back to Chur and walked around there for awhile before heading home for bed. Saturday was a lazy day, I just relaxed, watched some TV, and recovered from the week. On Sunday I went with my friend Lara and her family into Chur for an exhibition type thing called Gehla. It was very similar to the Ex in Toronto, but without all the rides.

Final adventures in Zurich

Old part of Zurich

When you give exchange students a selfie stick....

Today was my first day of real school. I was very nervous on my way there this morning but I stayed confident and positive. I met up with one of the principals of my school around 8:20 and she took me to my first class, which was art/graphic design. When I got there I was introduced to the class and the teacher who were all very welcoming. The teacher also told me he would only be speaking German to me, which sounded like a great idea until he explained what we had to do and I was totally lost. Fortunately some of the other students helped me out. Next was math. Seeing as I barely understand math in English, this class was very hard. We were working with equations I had never seen before so again I was completely lost. Once that period was over, my class went off to Italian class, so, because I didn't want to take Italian, I had a free period. I used it to walk around the school and try to map it all out in my head, which was very very hard because my school is HUGE!!! It has seven floors in the main building, the attached building has five floors. Then if you take the stairs down the mountain theres another building with four floors and another with three then four more buildings with one floor each and a sports complex area with another building and a pool and tennis courts and a soccer field. So needless to say, I was again very lost. But at the end of the spare period I still somehow managed to find my way to Physics. My physics teacher was full of energy and seemed very funny. If I could only understand what he was saying I think he'd be a great teacher. Next was lunch followed by a double period of German. But as it turned out, the rest of my class had a test today so my teacher told me I could just leave. So basically I got a three hour lunch today. When I came back to school I only had forty minutes of chemistry left. My teacher was great and translated a little bit of it for me which definitely helped.

All in all, today was a very confusing, overwhelming, exhausting, day. But somehow it all seemed to be great. I didn't have many chances to talk to my classmates today but I plan to over the course of this week. It's time to make some swiss friends!

So I guess thats all for now. Check back here soon! Until then, Tschüss von die Schweiz!

P.S. sorry for not having any pictures of my school. I was way too busy today to take any.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are getting along just as expected! Remember how you felt this day, when August 2016 rolls around you'll look back and be reminded of just how far you've come and all you've learned. YOLO enjoy! Thanks for posting.
